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BE-TV Delivers Mindful Movement to Your People

In-Studio Classes

More Resilience and Presence

Practice in our beautiful space. At The BE we are passionate about holding space for your growth, using all of the tools of this ancient but living practice. Our instruction is respectful, supportive, and draws from many modes and lineages.


All the Comfort and Convenience

It's easy: book any class, and Zoom in in real time to see and be seen, or practice with the recording at your leisure. Our BE TV program includes a wide range of movement practices. Familiar and easy-to-use platforms, big variety, quality instruction, and classes that are accessible on YOUR schedule means no more excuses!

I Want My BE TV!

You know that it’s never been more important, or more challenging, to keep your workforce healthy and happy. People who make movement a regular part of their routines, who invest in themselves and develop their mind-body connections, are more fulfilled. Active people have more energy, better focus, and are less prone to illness. People who practice meditation are more resilient, mentally flexible, and better able to manage stressors.

Let The Body Electric Yoga and Athletic Companies help you do what you do best, by doing what we do best: bringing yoga and mindful movement medicine to the people.

The BE is located in sunny St. Petersburg, Florida. We’ve been active leaders in the yoga and movement culture in our region for over 10 years. The BE is welcoming, non-dogmatic, community-minded, and fun.

Our virtual product allows you and your team to enjoy live studio classes from wherever in the world you are. The BE-TV schedule includes 40 classes/week and is growing, but what really sets us apart is the variety of offerings and the quality of instruction.  Yoga and meditation are ideal remote programs, as they require little to no equipment and very little space. Participants can tune in live for classes, or access class recordings up to 48 hours later. That means subscribers can register for as many classes as they like, and cue them up whenever works best around busy lives and across time zones. Imagine meeting your fellow employees for a virtual yoga class, or inviting a friend or family member to practice with you from the opposite coast!

We’d love to support you and your group in this work. It is really our passion and sacred mission to boost the health, presence, and happiness of as many people as we possibly can.

Regular Low Price


Enjoy unlimited classes

Group of 20+


Enjoy unlimited classes


BE TV Schedule